commission info

@knightofpheraee / @RAZZLEB3RRYZ commissions!pink / aria / mocha / etc.not professional personality-wise in the slightest, because i hate typing properly, but yeahwhere you can find me is down there! there's also my about carrd there, too!

✓ CAN DO ✓
- sfw
- nsfw
- ( and fetish if i'm comfortable w it - dont be afraid to ask. nsfw will be posted on nsfw alts or privately only )
- animals / anthros / ferals ( note that im least good at ferals, probably, but i've gotten better )
- humanoids ( best at these! )
- other styles if i am well versed in it enough ( for example, paswg, maybe mlp, cookie run kinda, etc )
- mostly anything that isn't listed on cant do
- backgrounds ( although i dont Like doing them lol )
- anything tbh specieswise unless i just see that and go "yea i probably cant do that", but i usually have no hardlimits on those things!
- i can draw pieces with existing characters, make refsheets, make new ocs for you entirely, make edits, draw shitposts or memes - i can really do a lot of things, as long as it involves drawing or using an art program.

✖ CAN'T DO ✖
- hatespeech / bigotry / pedophilia / incest / beastiality work
- i do not and will never do nfts, cryptocurrency, or anything blockchain-related. using my work for this paid or not is prohibited.
- in a similar vein, do not resale my art on its own. with an oc, raising the price for a character because my art is there is probably fine bc you're also technically selling them with the art which has worth - but dont sell the art itself.
( idk why you would. but. yea. )
- please credit me properly whenever you show or use my art, please. preferably just link to one of my profiles idrc how you do it. if you don't have space in your bio or whatever for it just do it when/if people ask or idk make a post abt it ig.i have a tos but it essentially boils down to don't use my art for cryptocurrency, AI-art engine training or blockchain stuff, don't buy from me if you're within my dni generally ( which yk is mostly just if you're a bigot or a pedo ), don't resell my art on its own, etc. if you want more details, click the two links below. it is a little rambly but it goes more into detail. by buying from me you agree to these terms.

- with detailed armor and mecha i CAN do it ( robot enjoyer, i know the pain slightly ) but depending on how detailed i might charge more. depends
- i tend to draw with a sharp pixel-y pen and will probably do that by default unless asked otherwise ( which is fine idm )
- please pay in full in order for me to start your commission. i can and will give updates on the art w provided screenshots if you want it but i (usually) do most of my art in one sitting.
- i will only give you a link to pay on when you are ready and have the money
- i can make edits. please don't make me make any major edits, though ( like redrawing the entire thing, unless you pay for that. miscommunication of what you want is not my fault + honestly i've probably already redrawn the entire thing a few times anyways thats just how art is )
- try to detail every important thing, even if you think it's small its helpful that i understand all of what u want if you have a specific idea in mind. including the size of the drawing if you want a specific size, colors, themes, background/scene if you want one, etc.
- please do not approach me with just "hi" - just state that you want a commission - although i'm fine with you being informal idc im not formal lol. if you send me one of the funny commission request meme images i will like it.
- i do not do commissions for free.
- i will usually try to get comms done in a reasonably mannered time and they're usually my priority. if something happens where i cant get to it on a timely manner you will be informed ofc but unless my tech breaks it shouldn't happen much if at all
( 2023 edit: i have executive dysfunction + depression which makes this harder now, but the longest its taken me to finish a commission was roughly a month and a half bc i had two at once and was overwhelmed. it should be done under that time )- please, feel free to draw a sketch of what you want my commission to be like ( like, positioning and composition wise ) if you want, and i encourage it fully! or of visual examples/images of things i dont understand, because as said, i am a visual learner. even sending an image of something similar to what you want works ( stylewise, characterwise, compositionwise, whatever ) and helps a LOT for me! :]
- i'm not sure where i'm at with edits, but if theyre minor i am probably fine editing a little. i think i saw someones commission rules be like 3 minor edits and then you have to pay for anything after a little which seems fair. if its very simple changes that don't take me long it'll be free is the general consensus.
- i will probably provide a .mdp file ( usable in firealpaca and medibang too i think ) or .csp ( same but with clip studio ) which provides you a fully editable version of the commission with all the layers seperated as it was when i saved it. it is also in case i need to make edits and close the drawing so i can just come back to it later if i'd like. keep these on hand if you'd like me to make multiple outfits for a commission reference or something later on. i also tend to give people a transparent edit for art with backgrounds, just in case they'd like it. i might stop doing this though bc i realized you can just take the watermark off but if you do that i will get on your ass for it bc thats against my tos ( removing credit from me )- i have the right to reject your commission at any time before the payment process goes through, although i can refund money i think. so if i reject it after that for some reason, you'll just get refundeddespite all of these serious notes im really casual and not that serious so please dont be intimidated of me! just gotta put these here for ppl to know stuff.sometimes you'll get extra sketches along w commissions bc i usually have to feel out how to draw the character, or i'll have to figure out how they look in my style. this isn't guaranteed though. i will also sometimes give sketches of concept designs if you're asking me to design a character and tell you to choose between a few options
( also not guaranteed technically but will usually happen bc i myself am indecisive + only you know what you prefer. )

anyways, now for business...


*additional characters in one drawing add to the price - for example, two headshots would be 30$ technically, although i'd likely say its more of 25$ bc they dont take much time for me. it depends.the prices are a little flexible and can be cheaper or more expensive based on my ability and what i think i can do.and also, i am only listing prices for sizes of the character because its easiest. whether its colored + shaded ( ig, the level of finish ) and how many characters there are change the price.

click on the images for full-size.


drawings generally showing only up to, at maximum, the shoulders and above of a character.
also includes most icon commissions!
( most of the examples are cropped images of fullbody art, these'll look better if you're commissioning them i prommy . these all are a little cropped by carrd too though, so click them for it to be slightly less cut off. )


drawings that usually end at the waist, midriff, or knees. it's a little flexible where it ends tbhi dont have many examples of halfbodys ( i dont personally jive w intentionally cutting off the body - for fully drawn art anyways ) so most of these are crops of fullbody art.
enjoy your de-legged magnas ( and green too )

~ 40-65$

( price likely depends on the complexity of the character - it'll usually be around this though - if you ask for chibis or anything like that it'll also probably be cheaper! )( this used to be 35-50 can you believe it. i keep having to up my prices . i mean, it'd still be 35 minimum if maybe it didnt have color or shading? Idk a lot of things are dependant. )the real deal baby. the whole kids meal of the size prices. the entire character fully ( or like 90% ) visible!


basically, how "completed" you'd like the drawing to be. these ones do not really have concrete pricing and are more modifiers to the flat price of the characters size pricing. misc is things like backgrounds and stuff like that

takes the size pricing and probably makes it cheaper. maybe by 5$, it's not exact.

colored but only slightly or with grayscale or halftones is likely the same but a bit less of a discount to the maximum price which is why its included here.if you want just a sketchboard full of guys you want me to draw ( colored or uncolored ) prob ask abt that in dms bc i do not have a set price for that, but those r always fun !

FULLY ( or mostly ) COLORED
pricing is (usually) the same since the size pricing was set with the commission being colored in mind, unless mostly/fully shaded then its prob 5-10$ more or around that.
it could add like 5-10$ more though for just color who knows. prob not.

at minimum, a fully ( or mostly ) flat colored drawing. shading adds some extra probably.

adds 500000$ ( /j )
depends on complexity. if its a scene you are paying like 15-40 more depending on the scale and complexity. i do not like backgrounds im sorry. although if its a very simple scene like.. idk.. a beach. then it'll probably be cheap.
no bgs or simplistic bgs dont add anything all. please do not expect these to be uberly detailed, because backgrounds are probably my weakest point in art and i hate spending time on them but i will try for You.

a background is a background. the setting the characters in, or the environment around them. whether its a scene or just a white void.despite being called "background" complex foregrounds ( like a table w stuff on it, for example ) and things like that count as this.basically just the setting around the character in general being more complex than a pattern will add to the price.

for this section here's example art for other things i can do that dont really have an associated price or fall under one or multiple of the other categories.

probably cheap if its pre-made assets. if you want me to draw for either of these then normal sizing and pricing apply

im not even going to front with you any edit i've done that hasn't been for an icon is usually shitposty which is why i dont rlly have examples there.edits and icons are in-context usually meant to apply to artwork i've made ( generally, for you ) that you want to be edited.* this can include clothing edits, multiple outfits, etc etc. bc of that price varies a lot bc "edit" is vague and can be a lot of things.i will probably have to handcraft graphics or use royalty free things though because i can get into legal muddy water if i Don't. really it just depends idk why ppl would comm me for edits like these neways but its here if you'd like*edits do not mean commission tweaks

price generally depends on details and would be decided through a conversation if you want this sorta thing

its like edits. not really clear and a very flexible category, but tldr if you give me the art to be used for making a refsheet it'd be pretty cheap. if you want me to draw it myself and want it to be a refsheet ( or want a refsheet i made with the art i made ) then it'll be extra money on top of that fullbody art. maybe like. 10 dollars more? somethin' like that. once again, depends.

i sure can make ocs.
once again. greatly varies depending on what you want, but at base is usually around fullbody price.

adopts are adoptable designs that are basically OCs you can buy, usually made with the intention of selling them to someone.gacha adopts ( basically letting me design fucking anything maybe with a very vague colorscheme or theme to follow if you Want ) are likely the cheapest at lets say around 20-40$. 35$ probably. you basically give me the reigns and i'll design some random character.these will be colored fullbodys ( unless you explicitly dont want it to be one of those, for some reason ), hence the pricing. i tend to instinctively shade references even though people hate that. you will have to remind me to not do this probably i am sorry in advance.
( to be fair its usually clear which colors are the base colors though but still )
custom adopts - you give me all the details for a character you want me to make for you and i make them. bam. 30-50$ - depends on complexity.anything else that doesnt somehow fall under these two, ask abt! this can include making a new ref or design ( like a redesign ) for a character that already exists and stuff like that, too.the examples are literally just random ocs i made as an example of my character designs. the fifth example was designed by somebody else and then gifted to me, but i redesigned him so he likely counts.this should be obvious, but these characters in any image i've shown here are not for sale - they are my personal ocs - they are just examples of designs i've made.

all characters and art shown in these example works rightfully belong to me ( @knightofpherae / @knightofpheraee / @RAZZLEB3RRYZ )( despite a lot of my artfight attacks being really good commission examples, it would be in bad taste to use them as they are other peoples characters i do not own, so i didn't. if you want to see those check my artfight though. @knightofpherae is the username as usual )

you're at the end! thank you for reading and considering me! ^^